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Letra Música Media – John Butler Trio

What you watch, what you read
What you percieve is to be truth
It is all so subjective
So what you believe is up to you
But what are we to believe in
Between the lies and the truth? Youth
Media has vested interest
So what you believe is up to you.

But how are we to make sense of these turbulent times
When all they do is censor our minds
Only telling what they want us to know
Only half of the story told

So what is wrong? What is right?
No truth can there be seen
Well it’s all there in your new religion
Just turn on your TV screen

Watch the sex and drugs and all that violence
Look what they are feeding you
Propaganda yes indeed its,
its all there to confuse

But how are we to make sense of these turbulent times
When all they do is brainwash our minds
Only telling what they want us to know
Only half of the story told

And if the truth can’t be found
I’ll find my own underground
And if the truth is never to be seen
I’ll find my own in between

What you watch, what you read
What you percieve is to be truth
It is all so subjective
So what you believe is up to you

But what are we to believe in
Between the lies and the truth? Youth
Media has vested interest
So what you believe is up to you.
You know its up to you
Don’t believe the lies, read between the lines,
Don’t believe the lies, critically analyseJohn Butler Trio – Media – Ouvir Música

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