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Letra Música Rodeo Clowns – Jack Johnson

Sweeping the floors, open up the doors
Turn on the lights, getting ready for the night
Nobody’s romancing, ‘cause its too early for dancing
But here comes the music
Bright lights flashing to cover up your lack of soul
Many people, so many problems, so many reasons
To buy another round, drink it down
Just another night on the town
With the big man, money man, better than the other man
He got the plan with the million dollar give a damn
When nobody understands, become a smaller man
The bright lights keep flashing, the women keep on dancing
With the clowns, they pick me up when I’m down
The rodeo clowns, they pick me up when I’m down

The disco ball’s spinning, all the music and the women and
The shots of tequila, man they say that they need ya
What they really need, is just a little room to breath
Teeny bopping disco queen, she barely understands
Her dreams of belly button rings and other kinds of things
Symbolic of change but the thing that is strange
Is that the changes occur, and now she’s just a part of the herd
Man I thought that you heard, the changes occurred
Just a part of the herd

Lights out, shut down, late night, wet ground
You walk by look at him, but he can’t look at you
You might feel pity but he only feels the ground
You understand moves but he only knows let down
By the corner there’s another one
Reaching out a hand, coming from a broken man
He tried to live but he’s done trying
Not dead, but definitely dying
With the rest of the clowns

Sweeping the floors, open up the doors
Turn on the lights, getting ready for the night
Nobody’s romancing, ‘cause its too early for dancing
But here comes the musicJack Johnson – Rodeo Clowns – Ouvir Música

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