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Letra Música Tribal Voice – Yothu Yindi

There’s a walking of a rainbow dawn
And the sun will rise up high
There’s a whisper in the morning light
Saying get up and meet the day
Well I winder if it’s part of history
Full of influential mystery
From the spirits of my people
Who have just hone before
And the future of another day

All the people in the world are dreaming (get up stand up)
Some of us cry for the rights of survival (get up stand up)
Saying c’mon c’mon! Stand up for your rights
While others don’t give a damn
They’re all waiting for a perfect day
So you better get up and fight for your rights
Don’t be afraid of the move you make
You better listen to your tribal voice!

All the people in the world are dreaming (get up stand up)
Some of us cry for the rights of survival now (get up stand up)
Saying c’mon c’mon! Stand up for your rights
While others don’t give a damn
They’re all waiting for a perfect day

So you better get up and fight for your rights
Don’t be afraid or the move that you make
You better listen to your tribal voice!
You better listen to your tribal voice!

Well I wonder if it’s part of history
Full of influential mystery
From the spirits of my people
Who have just gone before
And the future of another day

All the people in the world are dreaming (get up stand up)
Some of us cry for the rights of survival now (get up stand up)
Say c’mon c’mon, stand up for your rights
While others don’t give a damn
They are all waiting for a perfect day
You better get up and fight for your rights
Don’t be afraid of the move that you make
You better listen to you tribal voice
You better listen to your tribal voice
You better listen to your tribal voice
You better listen to your tribal voice
You better listen to your tribal voice
You better listen to your tribal voice
You better listen to your tribal voice
You better listen to your tribal voice
You better listen to your tribal voice
You better listen to your tribal voice
You better listen to your tribal voice
You better listen to your tribal voice
You better listen to your tribal voiceYothu Yindi – Tribal Voice – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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?*Reprodução de matéria publicada no portal Época Online.

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