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Letra Música Never Know – Jack Johnson

I heard this old story before
Where the people keep on killing for their metaphors
But don’t leave much up to the imagination
So I wanna give this imagery back
But I know it just ain’t so easy like that
So I turn the page and read the story again, and again, and again
It sure seems the same with a different name
We’re breaking
And rebuilding
And we’re growing
Always guessing

Never knowing
We’re shocking, but we’re nothing
We’re just moments
We’re clever, but we’re clueless
We’re just human, amusing and confusing
We’re trying, but where is this all leading?
We’ll never know

It all happened so much faster than you can say disaster
Want to take a time lapse and look at it backwards
Find the last word
And maybe that’s just the answer that we’re after
But after all we’re just a bubble in a boilling pot
Just one breath in a chain of thought
We’re moments just combusting
We feel certain, but we’ll never, never know
It sure seems the same, give it a different name

We’re begging
And we’re needing
And we’re trying
And we’re breathing

Never knowing
We’re shocking, but we’re nothing
We’re just moments
We’re clever, but we’re clueless
We’re just human, amusing and confusing
We’re helping, rebuilding and we’re growing
Never know, we’ll never know, never know

Knock knock on door to door
To tell you that their metaphors is better than yours
And you can either sink or swin
Things are looking pretty grim
If you don’t believe in what they’re spoon-feeding
It’s got no feeling, so I read it again, and again, and again
It sure seems the same, so many different names

Our hearts are strong
Ours heads are weak
We’ll always be competing

Never knowing
We’re shocking, but we’re nothing
We’re just moments
We’re clever, but we’re clueless
We’re just human, amusing, confusing
But the truth is all we got are questions
We’ll never know
Never Know, never knowJack Johnson – Never Know – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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