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Letra Música Inaudible Melodies – Jack Johnson

Brushfire fairytales
Itsy-bitsy diamond wells
Big fat hurricanes
Yellow-bellied given names
Well shortcuts can slow you down
And in the end we’re bound
To rebound off of we
Well dust off your thinking caps
Solar-powered plastic plants
Pretty pictures of things we ate
We are only what we hate
But in the long run we have found
Silent films are full of sound
Inaudibly free

Slow down everyone
You’re moving too fast
Frames can’t catch you when
You’re moving like that

Inaudible melodies
Serve narrational strategies
Unobtrusive tones
Help to notice nothing but the zone
Of visual relevancy
Frame-lines tell me what to see
Chopping like an axe
Or maybe Eisenstein should just relax

Slow down everyone
You’re moving too fast
Frames can’t catch you when
You’re moving like that

Well, Plato’s cave is full of freaks
Demanding refunds for the things they’ve seen
I wish they could believe
In all the things that never made the screen

And by the way you know the hope will make you strange
Make you blank, make you beg, make you say
Make you afraid of change, and nothing to blame
The box with the view of the world
And once I fill the frame I turn it up
But then I turn it off
Because I can’t stand
When they stop to talk about
The heard that we kill
And the shoes that we fill
The damned that you’re ruined
And got the things that you’re doing

And gotta slow down everyone
You’re moving too fast
Frames can’t catch you when
You’re moving like that
Slow down everyone
You’re moving too fast
Frames can’t catch you when
You’re moving like that
Moving tooJack Johnson – Inaudible Melodies – Ouvir Música

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Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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