Letra Música Boogie Nights – Heatwave

Boogie nights, oh oh oh
Boogie nights, boogie nights
Boogie nights
Ain’t no doubt we are here to party
Boogie nights
Come on now got to get it started

Dance with the boogie get down
Dance with the boogie get down
‘Cause boogie nights are always
The best in town
Got to keep on dancing
Keep on dancing
Got to keep on dancing
Keep on dancing

Boogie nights
Get that groove
Let it take you higher
Boogie nights
Make it move
Set this place on fire

Dance with the boogie get down
Dance with the boogie get down
‘Cause boogie nights are always
The best in town
Got to keep on dancing
Keep on dancing
Got to keep on dancing
Keep on dancing

(Party night)
Can you show that
You know how to do it?
(Boogie nights)
Do it, do it
(Party night)
Get on down with the
Sound of the music
(Boogie nights)
Music, music

Boogie nights
It’s so right
When you got that feeling
Boogie nights
Hold it tight
Got to keep on dealing

Dance with the boogie get down
Dance with the boogie get down
‘Cause boogie nights are always
The best in town
Got to keep on dancing
Keep on dancing
Got to keep on dancing
Keep on dancing

Boogie nights, boogie nights
Got to keep on dancing
Keep on dancing
Boogie nights, boogie nights
Got to keep on dancing
Keep on dancing

Dance with the boogie get down
Dance with the boogie get down
‘Cause boogie nights are always
The best in town
Got to keep on dancing
Keep on dancing
Got to keep on dancing
Keep on dancing

(Party night)
Can you show that
You know how to do it?
(Boogie nights)
Do it, do it
(Party night)
Get on down with the
Sound of the music
(Boogie nights)
Music, music

Boogie nights
It’s so right
When you got that feeling
Boogie nights
Hold it tight
Got to keep on dealing

Dance with the boogie get down
Dance with the boogie get down
‘Cause boogie nights are always
The best in town
Got to keep on dancing
Keep on dancing
Got to keep on dancing
Keep on dancing

Boogie nights, oh oh oh
Got to keep on dancing
Keep on dancing
Got to keep on dancing
Keep on dancing
Boogie nights, oh oh oh
Got to keep on dancing
Keep on dancing
Got to keep on dancing
Keep on dancing

If you wanna boogie
You got to boogie at the boogie boogie night
If you wanna boogie
You got to boogie at the boogie boogie night
If you wanna boogie
You got to boogie at the boogie boogie night
If you wanna boogie
You got to boogie at the boogie boogie night

Boogie nights, oh oh oh
Boogie nights, oh oh oh
Boogie nights, oh oh ohHeatwave – Boogie Nights – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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