Letra Música The Real Thing – Brothers Johnson

So glad we’ve got a good thing
You know you make my heart sing
You are the real thing
You know you make my heart sing
I’ve longed to have this chance
With you, I feel romance
It’s all for love and I want it bad
Seeing you is just a turn on
And loving you, I want to hold on
There’s a feeling in my heart
That just won’t let you go
I’ll hold on, I’ll keep on
(I’m holdin on)
I’ll keep on, I’ll hold on
(I’m holdin’ on)
I’ll hold on, I’ll keep on
I’ll hold on to your love

So glad we’ve got a good thing
You know you make my heart sing
You are the real thing
You know you make my heart sing
So glad we’ve got a good thing
You know you make my heart sing
You are the real thing
You know you make my heart sing
Seeing you is just a turn on
Loving you, I want to hold on

There’s a feeling in my heart
That just won’t let you go
I’ll hold on, I’ll keep on
(I’m holdin’ on)
I’ll keep on, I’ll hold on
(I’m holdin’ on)
I’ll hold on, I’ll keep on
I’ll hold on to your love

So glad we’ve got a good thing
You know you make my heart sing
You are the real thing
You know you make my heart sing
So glad we’ve got a good thing
You know you make my heart sing
You are the real thing
You know you make my heart sing

So glad we’ve got a good thing
You know you make my heart sing
You are the real thing
You know you make my heart sing
So glad we’ve got a good thing
You know you make my heart sing
You are the real thing
You know you make my heart sing
So glad we’ve got a good thingBrothers Johnson – The Real Thing – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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