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Letra Música Forever – Mumford & Sons

I know I’ve had you troubled
And I know I’ve seared your mind
But you know that I love you
And that our love’s not blind
And sure my dreams lie with you
But I’ve many more besides
And if I can’t see them through
Our love will slowly die

So if you doubt for the time that you’re spending
And if you doubt for the love in your heart
Think of London and the girl you’re returning
And the days you defend will turn to gold

So love with your eyes
Love with your mind
Love with your
Dare I say, forever

Do it for yourself
Do it for the girl
Do it for your
Dare I say, forever

And I’ve known pious women
Who have led such secret lives
Shameless in the dark
So shameful in the light

And you may not be pious
And I may not be saved
But we could live quite happily
And quietly unfazed

So if you doubt for the time that you’re spending
And if you doubt for the love in your heart
Think of London and the girl you’re returning
And the days you defend will turn to gold

So love with your eyes
Love with your mind
Love with your
Dare I say, forever

Do it for yourself
Do it for the girl
Do it for your
Dare I say, forever

I was dreaming of the Liffey
I was thinking of the Thames
And now the East river flows by to the same end
Are we too sentimental to not look back and stare?

So love with your eyes
Love with your mind
Love with your
Dare I say, forever

Do it for yourself
Do it for the girl
Do it for your
Dare I say, foreverMumford & Sons – Forever – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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