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Letra Música Like Gold – Vance Joy

Time to let it go
It won’t let go of me
Hanging by a thread
Cutting the cord and then falling back into the
Black ‘cause if I don’t
If I wait ‘til it feels right
I’ll be waiting my whole life
Closing my eyes, remember how we were like
Gold, when you see me
Hi, if you need me
Babe, that’s the way it was

That’s the history
Blue, how we used to roar
Like an open fire
That’s the way it was
But that’s history

That’s the way it was
But that’s history
That’s the way it was
But that’s history

I have a memory
You’re visiting me at night
Climbing in my bed
You were so quiet that you never woke me
I love the way you could
See the good in everything
But, do we fuel the fire?
Closing my eyes, remember how we were like

Gold, when you see me
Hi, if you need me
Babe, that’s the way it was
That’s the history
Blue, how we used to roar
Like an open fire
That’s the way it was
But that’s history

Started with a word
Now, look at where we are
Everything we’ve done

It’s there on our faces for anyone willing to
Read between the lines
Now, look at where we are
Everything we’ve done
It’s there on our faces for anyone willing to

That’s the way it was
But that’s history
That’s the way it was
But that’s history

Well, I got a feeling
Darling, it’s possible
‘Cause love’s got no ceiling
Now, that it’s just so strong
And I got a feeling
Like everything is possible
I’m trying to change

Gold, when you see me
Hi, if you need me
Babe, that’s the way it was
That’s the history
Blue, how we used to roar
Like an open fire
That’s the way it was
But that’s history

Started with a word
Now, look at where we are
Everything we’ve done
It’s there on our faces for anyone willing to
Read between the lines
Now, look at where we are
Everything we’ve done
Started out with just one

Gold, when you see me
Hi, if you need me
Babe, that’s the way it was
But that’s historyVance Joy – Like Gold – Ouvir Música

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