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Letra Música Wine Pon You (feat. Doja Cat) – Konshens

I ain’t got my eye on you
Ain’t been hypnotized by you, yeah
Ain’t in here tryna find my dude
I take it you just like the way I wine pon you
How I wine pon you, the way I wine pon you
How I wine pon you, the way I wine pon you, yeah
Take it you just like the way I wine pon you
Take it you just like the way I wine pon you, yeah

(You can catch her in the Vogue or Hustler magazine)
(Young red bitch, pussy wet, five screens)
(You can catch her in the Vogue or Hustler magazine)
(Young red bitch, pussy wet, five screens) yeah, yeah

Pop that like Ginkgo biloba
That booty don’t need no more soda
Too hot, now this boy don’t need no more Doja
Leg on the seat, that’s a photo, see that you focused
If there’s no room, boy, we squeeze in the corner
Way that he talkin’, you think that he know her, hol’ up
See, baby, this for the night, I won’t see you tomorrow

Yeah, but when I dance here, boy, you better man up
Be like a museum, got you looking, boy, you can’t touch
Yeah, I got him speakin’, got him geekin’, tie them hands up
Tappin’ to the beat, you wanna freak her ‘cause she random
Know you got your girl here looking for your ass, run
Fakin’ that you loyal, boy, you playin’ with her passion
Even when the beat slow, I shake a lil faster
Twerkin’ on the speaker, know you need her in your fan club

How I wine pon you, the way I wine pon you
How I wine pon you, the way I wine pon you, yeah
(The way I) take it you just like the way I wine pon you
(The way I) take it you just like the way I wine pon you, yeah

(You can catch her in the Vogue or Hustler magazine)
(Young red bitch, pussy wet, five screens)
(You can catch her in the Vogue or Hustler magazine)
(Young red bitch, pussy wet, five screens) ah, yeah

Baby girl, badman a wuk you, we no nerdy
Make underwear fly like birdie
When me call, you cum early
Make you wanna get down and dirty
When you whine up, your body so slow
Punch line, solo
It’s your show, be the star and done
When you back it pon me, me nah back down

How I wine pon you, the way I wine pon you
How I wine pon you, the way I wine pon you, yeah
(The way I) take it you just like the way I wine pon you
(The way I) take it you just like the way I wine pon you, yeahKonshens – Wine Pon You (feat. Doja Cat) – Ouvir Música

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