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Letra Música Wine Like That – Busy Signal

Um humm humm gal dem sittin tight again yuh see it
Ladies I’m here yours truly busy
Catch it, catch it, catch it go pun a style dem like
Ah dat style dem like quint it, quint it, quint it
Cause ah dat style dem like gal
Oh girl I like wen yuh wine like dat
Fling it to di side den yuh bring it right back
Girl mi sey mi love how yuh tight an fat
Tight an fat again
Yuh smooth girl yuh body nuh full ah line like dat
Ah you mek mi come up wid ah rhyme like dat
Girl dem a tell mi sey dem like my chat
Ah me ah mek dem needle eye pop

Gal get wet from dem hear fi mi sound
Hit mi wid di sittin caw she hear ah busy home
Squeeze up di tittie mi nuh care if ah silicone
Member mi tell yuh mi not going down
Gal style it fi mi, wine it fi mi
Keep it clean nuh bodda spoil if fi mi
Oil it fi mi, squint it fi mi
Show it off gal mi love how yuh profile it

Oh girl I like wen yuh wine like dat
Fling it to di side den yuh bring it right back
Girl mi sey mi love how yuh tight an fat
Tight an fat again
Yuh smooth girl yuh body nuh full ah line like dat
Ah you mek mi come up wid ah rhyme like dat
Girl dem a tell mi sey dem like my chat
Ah me ah mek dem needle eye pop

She get a round of applause
She forward, she rewind, she put it pun pause
She wreck outside like she ah waltz
Jesus gal ah wha yuh have inna yuh draws
Mi jus go put it pun har an watch har eyes
Dem spin over rite away mi sey she tell me she get win over
Real version dis ah no cover whe dem sing over whe dem sing over gal

Oh girl I like wen yuh wine like dat
Fling it to di side den yuh bring it right back
Girl mi sey mi love how yuh tight an fat
Tight an fat again
Yuh smooth girl yuh body nuh full ah line like dat
Ah you mek mi come up wid ah rhyme like dat
Girl dem a tell mi sey dem like my chat
Ah me ah mek dem needle eye pop

Oh girl I like wen yuh wine like dat
Fling it to di side den yuh bring it right back
Girl mi sey mi love how yuh tight an fat
Tight an fat again
Yuh smooth girl yuh body nuh full ah line like dat
Ah you mek mi come up wid ah rhyme like dat
Girl dem a tell mi sey dem like my chat
Ah me ah mek dem needle eye popBusy Signal – Wine Like That – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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