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Letra Música Sheet – Spice

I know you like the way, I whine between the sheets
Baby, come over, let me scream and grab the sheets
Stab me tonight, mek me tear up the sheet
Beat up me fat pum pum underneath
So me a go dweet when me under the sheet
Bite-bite up me lip and a tear up the sheet
The man a seh me smell good between the sheet
Me nah no odor, nah no stinking underneath
Stab me tonight, mek me tear up the sheet
Beat up me fat pum pum underneath
Man tell me seh me likkle pum pum sweet
Him like how me bubble and whine inna the sheet

Stab out me meat, under the sheet
So me a go dweet when me under the sheet
Stab out me meat, under the sheet
So me a go dweet when me under the sheet
Nice and clean, bed nah no dutty sheet
Room fresh and nice, house tidy and neat
Tear up the sheet, so me waan you fi dweet
Beat-beat up me fat pum pum underneath

Come a me yard, cah me sheet ever clean
When me a whine, cocky hard fi go in
Stab me tonight, mek me tear me sheet
Beat up me fat pum pum underneath
Man tell me seh me likkle pum pum sweet
Him like how me bubble and whine inna the sheet

When I’m between the sheet, a so me a go dweet
Mek me tear up the sheet, a so me a go dweet
Stab me tonight, mek me tear me sheet
Beat up me fat pum pum underneath
Man tell me seh me likkle pum pum sweet
Him like how me bubble and whine inna the sheet

The man a seh me smell good between the sheet
Me nah no odor, nah no stinking underneath
Stab me tonight, mek me tear up the sheet
Beat up me fat pum pum underneath
So me a go dweet when me under the sheet
Bite-bite up me lip and a tear up the sheet

Nice and clean when me deh ‘pon the sheet
No gyal fi compete, me a the man heartbeat
Sum gyal get delete from the car front seat
Body likkle an’ neat, the sex ‘pon repeat
When me tun up the heat, tear up all the sheet
Toe open up like pleat all inna the street
Mek him heart skip a beat, cock it up inna the sheet
Him like how me dweet seh me likkle and sweet

Come a me yard, cah me sheet ever clean
When me a whine, cocky hard fi go in
Stab me tonight, mek me tear up me sheet
Beat up me fat pum pum underneath
Man tell me seh me likkle pum pum sweet
Him like how me bubble and whine inna the sheet

The man a seh me smell good between the sheet
Me nah no odor, nah no stinking underneath
Stab me tonight, mek me tear up the sheet
Beat up me fat pum pum underneath
Man tell me seh me likkle pum pum sweet
Him like how me bubble and whine inna the sheet

Stab out me meat, under the sheet
So me a go dweet when me under the sheet
Stab out me meat, under the sheet
So me a go dweet when me under the sheet
Nice and clean, bed nah no dutty sheet
Room fresh and nice, house tidy and neat
Tear up the sheet, so me waan you fi dweet
Beat-beat up me fat pum pum underneath

Come a me yard, cah me sheet ever clean
When me a whine, cocky hard fi go in
Stab me tonight, mek me tear up me sheet
Beat up me fat pum pum underneath
Man tell me seh me likkle pum pum sweet
Him like how me bubble and whine inna the sheet

When I’m between the sheet, a so me a go dweet
Mek me tear up the sheet, a so me a go dweet
Stab me tonight, mek me tear me sheet
Beat up me fat pum pum underneath
Man tell me seh me likkle pum pum sweet
Him like how me bubble and whine inna the sheeSpice – Sheet – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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