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Letra Música Grades – Busy Signal

Grades grades grades
Grades yuh naw fi asks
If it big like bob
Splif mi brain ah move side ways
Higher than I wayne like seh mi get pon dat
Cliff nuh coke nuh start, nuh sniff high gradedem ah disalt
Lift fi mi birthday gyal bring three pound ah weed come gimme and seh ah mi gift
Mi brain nuh need no visa fi fly, mi smoke skunk and reach for the sky
Well if da bad man party we smoke and drink
Senta di week mek di whole place stink, all who ah smoke boat sink
Cause we have di grades dem ah purple grain green and dem ah pink

Ohhh Di highest am smoking gimme ah light
It keeps my brain floating to higher heights
Ah wouldda sing pon di highway but me nuh foreignitist
Like an Enfamil inna mi eye sight (chu chu chu)
Look how mi eyes dem red
Cause when we smoke ah di highest from west yeah
Bwai smoke with mi it will lay dem to rest
Cause when we plant di weed west inna mi west speed car
Inna mi ganja famer friend from St. George
Back it up inna mi transport fu di transport

Chalice haffi light
My brain is sailing nuh worry bout di cops or what they saying
Mi smoke so til mi frosihead
Anyway yuh si mi she weed haffi bun weed
Crush weed till we finger numb weed, blend it up with something
Some people call it ash, we call it come
(Ohhhh ohhhhh ohhhh ohhhh it got me singing ohhhhh ohhhh ohhh…
Just take at look at my eyes my eyes.)
Grades yuh naw fi asks

If it big like bob
Splif mi brain ah move side ways higher than I wayne like seh mi get pon dat
Cliff nuh coke nuh start, nuh sniff high gradedem ah disalt
Lift fi mi birthday gyal bring three pound ah weed come gimme and seh ah mi gift
Mi brain nuh need no visa fi fly, mi smoke skunk and reach for the sky
Well if da bad man party we smoke and drink
Senta di week mek di whole place stink, all who ah smoke boat sink
Cause we have di grades dem ah purple grain green and dem ah pink

Ohhh Di highest am smoking gimme ah light
It keeps my brain floating to higher heights
Ah wouldda sing pon di highway but me nuh foreignitist
Like an Enfamil inna mi eye sight (chu chu chu)
Look how mi eyes dem red
Cause when we smoke ah di highest from west yeah

Bwai smoke with mi it will lay dem to rest
Cause when we plant di weed west inna mi west speed car
Inna mi ganja famer friend from St. George
Back it up inna mi transport fu di transport
Chalice haffi light

My brain is sailing nuh worry bout di cops or what they saying
Mi smoke so til mi frosihead
Anyway yuh si mi she weed haffi bun weed
Weed haffi bunBusy Signal – Grades – Ouvir Música

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