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Letra Música Nah! – Shania Twain

I thought I might begin by filling you in
In case you didn’t already know
I’ll never forget
How you got up and left
In fact it was downright pretty low
There ain’t no way I wanna
You know I ain’t gonna
Take you back, so don’t even try
You can beg, you can plead
You can sweat, you can bleed
It’s too bad, I could care if you cry
That’s it (That’s all!)
We had fun (We had a ball)
It was good while it lasted
But now I’m past it
(It was sure!) It was sweet!
Sure you swept me off my feet
I miss you now and then
But would I do it all again? Nah!

You won’t find me
Naked and cold justa sitting on the doctor’s table
Waiting to be told justa why
I’m no longer able to feel my heart
Beating, gimme a good reason why
I kinda went numb just around about the time
You told me you were moving on
And you said that you were gonna
Phone me, it’s been so long
And there ain’t nothing wrong with the line

It’s too late to regret it
But you’re the one who said it
We’re better off being apart
I hate to be a downer
But don’t bother coming round here
Cause I won’t have a change of heart

That’s it (That’s all!)
We had fun (We had a ball!)
It was good while it lasted
But now I’m past it
(It was sure!) It was sweet!
Sure you swept me off my feet
I miss you now and then
But would I do it all again? Nah!

You won’t find me
Naked and cold justa sitting on the doctor’s table
Waiting to be told justa why
I’m no longer able to feel my heart
Beating, gimme a good reason why
I kinda went numb just around about the time
You told me you were moving on
And you said that you were gonna
Phone me, it’s been so long
And there ain’t nothing wrong with the line

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Well, I hope you learned a lesson
Cause you’ll never be messing
With my head again the way that you did
It was never gonna work
You were too much of a jerk
I’m finally fed up with it

That’s it (That’s all!)
We had fun (We had a ball!)
It was good while it lasted
But now I’m past it
(It was sure!) It was sweet!
Sure you swept me off my feet
I miss you now and then
But would I do it all again? Nah!

You won’t find me
Naked and cold justa sitting on the doctor’s table
Waiting to be told justa why
I’m no longer able to feel my heart
Beating, gimme a good reason why
I kinda went numb just around about the time
You told me you were moving on
And you said that you were gonna
Phone me, it’s been so long
And there ain’t nothing wrong with the line

NanananananaShania Twain – Nah! – Ouvir Música

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