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Letra Música Happy & Sad – Kacey Musgraves

It’s not you, it’s the glow of the party
The way that you’ve got me lit up inside
It’s the song that they’re playin’, the words that you’re sayin’
It’s never felt so right
And I’m the kind of person who starts getting kinda nervous
When I’m having the time of my life

Is there a word for the way that I’m feeling tonight?
Happy and sad at the same time
You got me smiling with tears in my eyes
I never felt so high
No, I’ve never been this far off of the ground
And they say everything that goes up must come down
But I don’t wanna come down

So is there a way to stop all this thinkin’, just keep on drinkin’?
‘Cause I don’t wanna wake up
When they’re turnin’ the lights on and it turns out the joke’s on me
‘Cause it feels so right

And I’m the kind of person who starts getting kinda nervous
When I’m having the time of my life

Is there a word for the way that I’m feeling tonight?
Happy and sad at the same time
You got me smilin’ with tears in my eyes
I never felt so high
No, I’ve never been this far off of the ground
And they say everything that goes up must come down
But I don’t wanna come down

I don’t mind at all, no, I’m used to fallin’
I’m comfortable when the sky is gray
But when everything is perfect, I start hidin’
‘Cause I know that rain is comin’ my way, my way

‘Cause I’m happy and sad at the same time
You got me smilin’ with tears in my eyes
I never felt so high
No, never been this far off of the ground
And they say everything that goes up, goes up must come down
And I don’t wanna come down
No, I don’t wanna come downKacey Musgraves – Happy & Sad – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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