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Letra Música Home Ain’t Where His Heart Is (Anymore) – Shania Twain

He knew how to reach me deep inside
And he found a part of me I could not hide
And we’d walk and talk and touch tenderly
Then he’d lay me down and make love to me
We built a love so strong it couldn’t break
There was not a road we were afraid to take
And we’d kiss all the way from Arkansas to Rome
‘Cause in each other’s arms we were home sweet home

But he don’t feel the same
Since our lives became
Years of bills, babies and chains

Home ain’t where his heart is anymore
He may hang his hat behind our bedroom door
But he don’t lay his head down to love me like before
Home ain’t where his heart is anymore

If foundations made of stone can turn to dust
Then the hardest hearts of steel can turn to rust
If he could only find that feeling once again
If we could only change the way the story ends

And he may still come home
But I live here alone
The love that built these walls is gone

Home ain’t where his heart is anymore
He may hang his hat behind our bedroom door
But he don’t lay his head down to love me like before

He don’t lay his head down to love me like before
Home ain’t where his heart is anymore
No, home ain’t where his heart isShania Twain – Home Ain’t Where His Heart Is (Anymore) – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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