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Letra Música Power – Young Thug

(We got London on da Track)
First you get that money, then you get that power
If he tune his nose up, boy, he on that powder
Now you walk around with 50 in your trousers
Diamonds boolin’ on my chest, no fuckin’ blouser
Bitch, I make it rain-shower, ya dig that?
They won’t know a thing about you if you zip that
Hit ‘em with that blocka-blocka, nigga, get back
Feed that, beat that, never crack, dig that (sheesh, sheesh)

Before I go without a sack, I swag pack (sheesh, sheesh)
I spoiled my bitch and now she actin’ like a brat (yeah, yeah)
I met Alex, I know Jimmy, he got racks
Yeah, yeah, bitch, I’m bleedin’ like a tat (yeah, yeah)
Roll it, roll it for me on ya back (roll it, roll it)
Just for show, my diamonds yellow like a taxi (woo, woo)
I’m a cat, I’ma chase all them pussy rats
Yeah, pussy nigga, better not look back

Or, or else I’m killin’ ‘em, hey, and that’s a fact (sheesh)
There’s blood all on my Timberlands
She make a nigga say: What? (What?)
I swear to God she feelin’ ‘em
She sucked, like, eight dicks, I call her octagon (hey)

First you get that money, then you get that power
If he tune his nose up, boy, he on that powder
Now you walk around with 50 in your trousers
Diamonds boolin’ on my chest, no fuckin’ blouser
Bitch, I make it rain-shower, ya dig that?
They won’t know a thing about you if you zip that
Hit ‘em with that blocka-blocka, nigga get back
Feed that, beat that, never crack, dig that (sheesh, sheesh)

Bitch, I dig it, I eat ice cream with my chickens
Bitch, I’m rich just like a Simmons, not Lil Diggy (real Simmons)
If I got legs, bitch, you know I’m gonna get it
She got good head, so she welcome to my Bentley
Big bid’ness in that big Bentley, Bentley (what? What?)
Ridin’ ‘round with that semi, ‘cause I know these niggas envy
Is you mad ‘bout Instagram or how I kick my pimpin’? (Pimp)
You keep that Ace of Spades, I’m sippin’

I’m a rocket, rocket, I can’t stop it, stop it
I’m a GTV, boy, bitch, I’m poppin’, poppin’
I need coke, need coke like: Where the fuck is papi?
If you try to run off (what?)
You know we popped your noggin (pop-pop)

First you get that money, then you get that power
If he tune his nose up, boy, he on that powder
Now you walk around with 50 in your trousers
Diamonds boolin’ on my chest, no fuckin’ blouser
Bitch, I make it rain-shower, ya dig that?
They won’t know a thing about you if you zip that
Hit ‘em with that blocka-blocka, nigga get back
Feed that, beat that, never crack, dig that (sheesh, sheesh)Young Thug – Power – Ouvir Música

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