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Letra Música Portraits – Bury Tomorrow

And as the light breaks through with the hope that we have
Years drag on
Age is lined by the frame
Light breaks through
Through immortality
Love is lost powers gained
I’ve sold the blood
From my veins
As these winters fade
So do mortals lives
The cracks that scar my face
Enemies portrayed
In vein never to be displayed
As these winters fade
So do mortals lives
But my heart remains
Never beating never beating
Strip it down
Tear the piece from the walls
I am done
I want to see the age
Beneath my eyes

And as the light breaks through with the hope that we have
Years drag on
Age is lined by the frame
Light breaks through

I have seen all the things within this life
But I am damned
To walk this earth
I’ve seen some things
That will make your blood turn cold
I’ve seen some things
That will make your blood turn cold

Strip it down
Tear the piece from the walls
I am done
I want to see the age
Within your eyes

And as the light breaks through with the hope that we have
My eyes burn lit my face
As the portraits displayed.Bury Tomorrow – Portraits – Ouvir Música

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