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Letra Música Moonlight – Grace VanderWaal

She always has a smile
From morning to the night
The perfect poster child
That was once in my life
A doll made out of glass
All her friends think that she’s great
But I can see through it all
And she’s about to break

Remember last year when you told me
To always stay here and never leave me
The light from your eyes made it feel like
We-e-e were dancing in the moonlight
Remember last year when you told me
That these will be lifelong stories
The light from your eyes made it feel like
We-e-e, we’re dancing in the moonlight

You-ou-ou were dancing in the moonlight
And I, I, I was dancing in the moonlight

Now she lost her way
And she forgets to smile
Never gets a break
From this life in denial

A doll made out of glass
All her friends think that she’s great
But I can see through it all
And she’s about to break, oh!

Remember last year when you told me
To always stay here and never leave me
The light from your eyes made it feel like
We-e-e, we’re dancing in the moonlight
Remember last year when you told me
That these will be lifelong stories
The light from your eyes made it feel like
We-e-e, we’re dancing in the moonlight

You-ou-ou were dancing in the moonlight
And I, I, I was dancing in the moonlight

I, I, I, miss those me-mo-ries
We used to share
Just you and me

I remember last year when I told you
I would always stay here and never leave you
I told you the light in your eyes made it look like
We-e-e, we’re dancing In the moonlight
Remember last year when you told me
To always stay here and never leave me
The light from your eyes made it feel like
We-e-e, we’re dancing In the moonlight

The light from your eyes made it feel like
Dancing In the moonlight

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