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Letra Música Who Were You With In The Moonlight – Dollar

Who were you with in the moonlight
Who was it holding you so tight
Who were you with my love
Who were you with in the moonlight
Who was it holding you so tight
Who were you with my love

Making me so sad
Making me so sad (so so sad)
Making me so sad

You say you don’t belong to me
I can’t help feeling you’re mine
I wanna feel you close to me baby
You say you aint got the time

Why are you hurting me baby
Why do you treat me so bad
You’re just a run-around lover
Though I gave you everything I had
Yes I gave you everything I had

Who were you with in the moonlight
Who was it holding you so tight
Who were you with my love

Who were you with in the moonlight
Who was it holding you so tight
Who were you with my love

Who were you with in the moonlight
Who was it holding you so tight
Who were you with in the moonlight baby
Making me so sad (making me sad)
Making me so sad (so so sad)
Making me so sad

Though I gave you everything I had
Yes I gave you everything I had

Who were you with in the moonlight
Who was it holding you so tight
Who were you with who were you with
Who were you with in the moonlight
Who was it holding you so tight
Who were you with in the moonlight baby
Who were you with in the moonlight
Who was it holding you so tight
Who were you with my love

Making me so sad
Making me so sad
Making me so sad

Who were you with in the moonlight
Who was it holding you so tight
Who were you with in the moonlight
Who was it holding you so tight
Who were you with in the moonlight baby
Who were you with in the moonlight
Who was it holding you so tight

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