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Letra Música Come Out Ye Black And Tans – The Wolfe Tones

I was born on a Dublin street where the royal drums did beat

And those loving English feet they walked all over us

And every single night when me da’ come home tight

He’d invite the neighbors out with this chorus

Come out ye Black and Tans, come out and fight me like a man

Show your wife how you won medals down in Flanders

Tell them how the IRA made you run like hell away

From the green and lovely lanes of Killashandra

Come let us hear you tell how you slandered great Parnell

When you thought him well and truly persecuted

Where are the sneers and jeers that you loudly let us hear

When our leaders of ’16 were executed?

Come out ye Black and Tans, come out and fight me like a man

Show your wife how you won medals down in Flanders

Tell them how the IRA made you run like hell away

From the green and lovely lanes of Killashandra

Come tell us how you slew them old Arabs two by two

Like the Zulus they had spears and bows and arrows

How you bravely faced one with your 16-pounder gun

And you frightened them dam natives to their marrow

Come out ye Black and Tans, come out and fight me like a man

Show your wife how you won medals down in Flanders

Tell them how the IRA made you run like hell away

From the green and lovely lanes of Killashandra

Now the time is coming fast and I think them days are here

When each traitor will be cut aside before us

And if there be a need, then our kids would sing Godspeed

With a verse or two of Stephen Behan’s chorus

Come out ye Black and Tans, come out and fight me like a man

Show your wife how you won medals down in Flanders

Tell them how the IRA made you run like hell away

From the green and lovely lanes of Killashandra

The Wolfe Tones – Come Out Ye Black And Tans – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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