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Letra Música Beautiful Times (feat. Lindsey Stirling) – Owl City

A spark soaring down in the pouring rain
And restoring life to the light house
A slow motion wave and the ocean stirs
My emotion up like a rain cloud
When did the sky turn black?
And when will the light come back?

A cab driver turned to skydiver, then to survivor
Die in the breakdown
A blood brother and surrogate mother
Hugging each other, crying their eyes out

When did the sky turn black?
And when will the light come back?

I’m ecstatic like a drug addict
Locked in the attic, strong I am spell bound

I fought all through the night
Oh oh, but I made it alive
The sun is starting to rise
Oh, oh, these are beautiful times

This fight of my life is so hard
So hard, so hard
But I’m gonna survive
Oh, oh, these are beautiful times

A bad feeling burnt through the ceiling
Leaving my healing heart with a new scar
A dead fire rose and rose higher
Like a vampire up from the graveyard

When did the sky turn black?
And when will the light come back?

We all suffer but we recover
Just to discover a life where we all are

I fought all through the night
Oh oh, but I made it alive
The sun is starting to rise
Oh, oh, these are beautiful times

This fight of my life is so hard
So hard, so hard
But I’m gonna survive
Oh, oh, these are beautiful times

This fight of my life is so hard
So hard, so hard
But I’m gonna survive
Oh, oh, these are beautiful times

My heart’s burning bad and it’s turning black
But I’m learning how to be stronger
And sincerely, I love you dearly, oh
But I’m clearly destined to wonderOwl City – Beautiful Times (feat. Lindsey Stirling) – Ouvir Música

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