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Letra Música Massive Core – Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas

What are the things we can really believe
Feels like there still
Is only a handful
There sure is one inside of me
Looking at my eyes
Feeling it with my heart
Not what people said
Not what people did
Can only believe what you feel, not logic
How much of this do you have right now?!!
We tend to feel that we feel we understand!!
Like we know everything!!
Tending to feel we have easily obtained what we wanted!!
If only we could feel what we can believe!!

If only we could actually feel what we can trust

It is not easy to do it your own way
What we can believe from our hearts
(Building them up)
The real sensation
(Folding them up)
The belief that has grown will someday make what is you
What you can believe from your heart
(Building them up)
The real sensation
(Folding them up)
Making a thick and strong soul

Weapon just for you to live will sprout
In the core of your heart
Stand against it with (the) weapon in your hand!!

Things we can really believe
Feels like there still
Is only a handful
There sure is one inside of me
Looking at my eyes
Feeling it with my heart
Not what people said
Not what people did
Can only believe what you feel, not logic
How much of this have you obtained until today?

The feeling we have
(Builded up)
(Builded up and gained)
Will eventually become our belief
(Become our belief)
The more we carefully pile them
(Piled up)
(Piled up)
It will give you (the) power
Though they may toss and
(Cut through)
(The experiences)
They will become stronger
(And) [bigger]as they roll over now
(Putting them on you)
(Putting them on you)
Putting them on you
For those gone

Tear them down with your weapon
The view you gained
Facing all that gets in your way
Keep going as you gain the braveness to fight and
The chance of victory
You canFear, and Loathing in Las Vegas – Massive Core – Ouvir Música

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