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Letra Música In The City (feat. Sam Smith) – Charli XCX

I’m flowin’ through you like water
Yeah, my body’s swayin’ side to side
I’m focused in on the moment
All the lights are diamonds in the sky, yeah
And I finally see myself like you see me now
Took time, time to see myself ‘cause I

I never thought I would find it
But I found what I was lookin’ for
I never thought I would find it
But I found what I was lookin’ for
I found it in the

In the city, in the dark
In the city, in the dark
In the city, in the dark
In the dark, dark, dark
In the city, in the dark
In the city, in the dark
In the city, in your heart
In the dark, dark, dark


In the city, in the dark
In the city, in the dark
In the city, in the dark
In the dark, dark, dark

I knew the night that I met you
Underneath the New York city lights (mm)
Baby, no matter what I do
There’s an angel standing by my side

And I finally see myself like you see me now
Took time, time to see myself ‘cause I

I never thought I would find it
But I found what I was lookin’ for
I never thought I would find it
But I found what I was lookin’ for
I found it in the
I never thought I would find it (find it)
But I found what I was lookin’ for (I found it, oh)
I never thought I would find it (oh)
But I found what I was lookin’ for
I found it in the (in the dark)

In the city, in the dark
In the city, in the dark (I found it in the dark)
In the city, in the dark
In the dark, dark, dark (oh)
In the city, in the dark
In the city, in the dark (oh)
In the city, in your heart
In the dark, dark, dark

Found it in the dark
I found it in the dark
I found it in the darkCharli XCX – In The City (feat. Sam Smith) – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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