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Letra Música Grins – Charli XCX

Wish you could see me when I’m lying in bed
My eyes are blinded by your stars
My blood is blushing so red (oh my God)
I can see you in my head again
Arrows of roses shoot me dead again
Wish you could see me when I’m lying in bed
My eyes are blinded by your stars
My blood is blushing so red (oh my God)
I can see you in my head again
Arrows of roses shoot me dead again

(Let my car run out) let my car run out
(I won’t scream or shout) I won’t scream or shout
(Let’s die together)
‘Cause I feel like I’m in heaven, dancing with an angel

(Let my car run out) cars burn out
(I won’t scream or shout) lost my breath now
(Let’s die together)
‘Cause I feel like I am falling through the clouds

Hope we’re on the same wavelength
Hope you don’t think that I’m crazy
Beaches and oceans for my baby
Hurry up and come and save me

I can’t quite hear what you’re saying
Because my body started shaking
Beaches and oceans, earth is quaking
That’s my heart that you were breaking

Wish you could see me when I’m lying in bed
My eyes are blinded by your stars
My blood is blushing so red (oh my God)
I can see you in my head again
Arrows of roses shoot me dead again

Wish you could see me when I’m lying in bed
My eyes are blinded by your stars
My blood is blushing so red (oh my God)
I can see you in my head again
Arrows of roses shoot me dead again

(Let my car run out) let my car run out
(I won’t scream or shout) I won’t scream or shout
(Let’s die together)
‘Cause I feel like I’m in heaven, dancing with an angel

(Let my car run out) cars burn out
(I won’t scream or shout) lost my breath now
(Let’s die together)
‘Cause I feel like I am falling through the clouds

Hope we’re on the same wavelength
Hope you don’t think that I’m crazy
Beaches and oceans for my baby
Hurry up and come and save me

I can’t quite hear what you’re saying
Because my body started shaking
Beaches and oceans, earth is quaking
That’s my heart that you were breaking

No one grins forever
No one grins forever
No one grins forever
No one grins forever
No one grins foreverCharli XCX – Grins – Ouvir Música

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