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Letra Música Doing It (feat. Rita Ora) – Charli XCX

We’re staying all night
We never slow down
I think we better do it like we’re doing it now
It’s been a long time
Since we’ve been around
So come on, let’s keep doing it like we’re doing it
Doing it like we’re doing it
Waited so long just to be here
Now we’re bringing this back to life
Yeah, we’re bringing this back to life
Want you to know how I miss ya
Now I got you right by my side
Yeah, I got you right by my side

Locked inside my veins, you’re in my blood, in my blood
And we’re united forevermore

We’re staying all night
We never slow down
I think we better do it like we’re doing it now
It’s been a long time
Since we’ve been around
So come on, let’s keep doing it like we’re doing it
Doing it like we’re doing it now

Keep doing it like we’re doing it
Doing it like we’re doing it

Friends like a team, in a circle
We’re together, we’re so alive
Yeah, together we’re so alive
Joy like a jewel, let it sparkle
Know that I got your back for life
Yeah, I got your back for life

Locked inside my veins, you’re in my blood, in my blood
And we’re united forevermore

We’re staying all night
We never slow down
I think we better do it like we’re doing it now
It’s been a long time
Since we’ve been around
So come on, let’s keep doing it like we’re doing it
Doing it like we’re doing it now

Keep doing it like we’re doing it
Doing it like we’re doing it now

Keep doing it like we’re doing it
Doing it like we’re doing it

All night long
We dancing to this song
We doing it, we going on and on, on and on
All night long
We dancing to this song
We doing it, we going on and on, on and on

We’re staying all night
We never slow down
I think we better do it like we’re doing it now
It’s been a long time
Since we’ve been around
So come on, let’s keep doing it like we’re doing it
Doing it like we’re doing it now

(All night long, we dancing to this song)
Let’s keep doing it like we’re doing it
Doing it like we’re doing it now
(All night long, we dancing to this song)
Let’s keep doing it like we’re doing it
Doing it like we’re doing it now

We’re staying all night
We never slow down
I think we better do it like we’re doing it now
It’s been a long time
Since we’ve been around
So come on, let’s keep doing it like we’re doing it
Doing it like we’re doing it nowCharli XCX – Doing It (feat. Rita Ora) – Ouvir Música

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