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Letra Música Subplots – Jack Johnson

Well, how many subplots you got runnin’ around your mind?
The gordian knot must be cut through
Well, give me a red pen, I will simplify your story
Which part of yourself can you afford to lose?
If you show me your list, then I will show you mine
Let’s kill off a character or two
All the light under the sun
And all the light above it too
Is gonna rise and shine
And all the light under the sun
And all the light above it too
It don’t shine for you

Like the joy and the tear in your eye
Like the little star that could
Could you remember every mistake that you’ve made?
At least all the ones you should have made?
If you make it your wish, then I will make it mine
Try to make sense of who is who

All the light under the sun
And all the light above it too
Is gonna rise and shine
And all the light under the sun
And all the light above it too

Still gonna shine on this world
Past it too
It won’t stop
It don’t shine just for you
Birds don’t sing
Trees don’t lose
Leaves don’t change
Fall just for you
Shine just for you
Shine just for you
Shine just for you

And how many subplots you got swimmin’ through that mind?
Scream for sympathy or sing the blues
Run from the shadows or relax in the shade
Which road you gonna choose?
We’ve all got places to be, we’ve all got things to do
We’ve all got this moment it’s ours to lose

And all the light under the sun
And all the light above it too
(Summer don’t turn to fall)
And all the light under the sun
(It’s not just for you)
And all the light above it too
(Summer don’t turn to fall)
And all the light under the sun
(It’s not just for you)
And all the light above it too
(Summer don’t turn to fall)
And all the light under the sun
(It’s not just for you)
And all the light above it too
Still gonna shineJack Johnson – Subplots – Ouvir Música

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