Letra Música Burden In My Hand – Soundgarden

Follow me into the desert
As thirsty as you are
Crack a smile and cut your mouth
And drown in alcohol
‘Cause down below the truth is lying
Beneath the riverbed
So quench yourself and drink the water
That flows below her head

Oh no there she goes
Out in the sunshine the Sun is mine

I shot my love today, would you cry for me?
I lost my head again, would you lie for me?

Close your eyes and bow your head
I need a little sympathy
‘Cause fear is strong and love’s for everyone
Who isn’t me

So kill your health and kill yourself
And kill everything you love
And if you live you can fall to pieces
And suffer with my ghost

I shot my love today, would you cry for me?
I lost my head again, would you lie for me?
I left her in the sand just a burden in my hand
I lost my head again, would you cry for me?

Just a burden in my hand
Just an anchor on my heart
Just a tumor in my head
And I’m in the dark

So follow me into the desert
As desperate as you are
Where the Moon is glued to a picture of heaven
And all the little pigs have God

Oh no there she goes
Out in the sunshine the Sun is mine

I shot my love today, would you cry for me?
I lost my head again, would you lie for me?
I left her in the sand just a burden in my hand
I lost my head again, would you cry for me?

Soundgarden – Burden In My Hand – Ouvir Música

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