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Letra Música Home – Whitney Houston

When I think of home
I think of a place where there’s love overflowing
I wish I was home
I wish I was back there
With the things I’ve been knowing
Wind that makes the tall grass bend into leaning
And suddenly raindrops that fall
They have a meaning
Sprinkling the scene, makes it all so clean
And maybe there’s a chance
For me to go back
Now that I, I have some direction
And it sure would be nice to be back home
Where there’s love and affection
And just maybe
I can convince time
To slow up
Giving me enough time in my life to grow up
Time, please stay friend, and let me start again
Suddenly my world gonna changes it’s face
But I know, I know where I’m going
I have had my mind spun around and around in space
Yet I’ve watched it growing

Oh, I know you’re listening Lord
So won’t you just please try not to make it hard
To know I shouldn’t believe everything
Everything that I see
Tell me, should I try and stay
Or maybe I should run away
Would it be better, better
Better just to let things be
Living here in my brand new world
It might be a fantasy
Yes, yeah it could be
But it taught me to love
So I know that it’s real, it’s real, it’s real to me
And I’ve learned that we must
Look inside us
To find
Yeah we gotta find
A world full of love
Like yours, like, like mine
Like Home
HomeWhitney Houston – Home – Ouvir Música

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