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Letra Música Friends – Ella Henderson

You watched me go through my first break up
We ate enough ice cream to never want more
When I need a pick me up, you pick me up
When I want to cry, when my heart is stuck
You’re the first one at my door
And the boyfriends, they change
And so will our second names
But one thing stays the same, is us
We’ll make dumb mistakes, but we ain’t to blame
‘Cause they bring out the best in us

Friends, with you to the end
Fix you, help you bend when it gets tough
And when you’re scared, they gon be right there
So hold onto your friends, friends

I was right there when you struggled with Ryan
And you were right here when my dad went away
But all the weekends we stayed out
All the hangovers laid on the couch
Yeah, the times we don’t talk about

And the boyfriends, they change
And so will our second names
But one thing stays the same, is us
We’ll make dumb mistakes, but we ain’t to blame
‘Cause they bring out the best in us

Friends, with you to the end
Fix you, help you bend when it gets tough
And when you’re scared, they gon be right there
So hold onto your friends, friends

There’ll be good times and bad times
There’ll be troubles ahead
There’ll be tears in mascara
And we’ll all look a mess
What’s a life without drama?
Oh, so don’t you forget, we ain’t close to broken yet
(We ain’t close to broken yet)

(We ain’t close to broken yet)Ella Henderson – Friends – Ouvir Música

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