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Letra Música I Gotta Find Peace Of Mind – Lauryn Hill

I gotta find peace of mind
I know another cord…
I gotta find peace of mind
See, this what that voice in your head says
When you try to get peace of mind…
I gotta find peace of mind, I gotta find peace of mind
He says it’s impossible, but I know it’s possible
He says it’s impossible, but I know it’s possible
He says there’s no me without him, please help me forget about him
He takes all my energy, trapped in my memory
Constantly holding me, constantly holding me
I need to tell you all, all the pain he’s caused, mmmm
I need to tell I’m, I’m undone because, mmmm
He says it’s impossible, but I know it’s possible
He says it’s impossible without him, but I know it’s possible
To finally be in love, and know the real meaning of
A lasting relationship, not based on ownership
I trust every part of you, cuz all that I… All that you say you do
You love me despite myself, sometimes I fight myself
I just can’t believe that you, would have anything to do
With someone so insecure, someone so immature
Oh you inspire me, to be the higher me
You made my desire pure, you made my desire pure
Just tell me what to say, I can’t find the words to say
Please don’t be mad with me, I have no identity
All that I’ve known is gone, all I was building on
I don’t wanna walk with you, how do I talk to you
Touch my mouth with your hands, touch my mouth with your hands
Oh I wanna understand, the meaning of your embrace
I know now I have to face, the temptations of my past
Please don’t let me disgrace, where my devotion lays
Now that I know the truth, now that it’s no excuse
Keeping me from your love, what was I thinking of?
Holding me from your love, what was I thinking of?
You are my peace of mind, that old me is left behind
You are my peace of mind, that old me is left behind
He says it’s impossible, but I know it’s possible
He says it’s improbable, but I know it’s tangeable
He says it’s not grabbable, but I know it’s haveable
Cuz anything’s possible, oh anything is possible
Please come free my mind, please come meet my mind
Can you see my mind, oh
Won’t you come free my mind?
Oh I know it’s possible
Anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, yeeey
Anything, anything, anything, anything, yeeey
Anything, anything, anything, anything, anything, yeeey
Oh free! Free, free, free your mind
Free, free your mind… free, free your mind
Free, free, free, free your mind
Oh, it’s so possible, oh it’s so possible
I’m telling you it’s possible, I’m telling you it’s possible
Free, free… free, free… free, free… get free now
Free, free… free, free, free, free… free, free
You’re my peace of mind, that old me is left behind
You’re my peace of mind, you’re my peace of mind
He’s my peace of mind, he’s my peace of mind
He’s my peace of mind, he’s my peace of mind
What a joy it is to be alive
To get another chance, yeah
Everyday’s another chance
To get it right this time
Everyday’s another chance
Oh what a merciful, merciful, merciful God
Oh what a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful GodLauryn Hill – I Gotta Find Peace Of Mind – Ouvir Música

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