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Letra Música Pretty Bird – Jhené Aiko

Yes, this is all I have left in me
Said, she had just, self expressed
Herself to death, now nothing’s left
She finessed it
She the best
And I said, and I said
Pretty bird, and I said
Pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird
Sounds so pretty when you cry
Pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird
You’re so pretty, but why I never see you fly?
Pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird
Please don’t die, please don’t die
Pretty bird, pretty bird, I know your hurtin’
Well so am I, so am I
Pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird

Please don’t cry, you can fly
And there’s a blinding light inside of you
There’s a blinding light inside of you
And they can not deny you, they can not deny you
Pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird
Pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird
Please don’t die, please don’t die
Pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird

Please don’t die, please don’t die
Pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird
Pretty bird, pretty bird
Sounds so pretty, when you cry
Pretty bird, pretty bird I know your hurting, well so am I
Pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird
Pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird
Pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird
Please don’t die, please don’t cry
Pretty bird, pretty bird
We need your life, we need your life

The city heard, the sounds of a pretty bird
Yelling from slauson to 53rd
What happens if you holla and can’t be heard?
For the birds and the drama, I paint these words
They say through the pain is how we learn
You landed on the window of pain, simple and plain
It’s hard for you to fly in the rain
The way love goes is not the way that it came
Come fly, un-die, be born again

I’ve seen the strongest of them be torn from men
Ripped apart and get put back together
Them the ones with the most beautiful feathers
Lets, flock together, rock together, nirvana
A birds persona to be free and honor
The sky, that’s when you really most high
Unafraid of the unknown and now we know why
Pretty bird, pretty bird, pretty bird
Let meJhené Aiko – Pretty Bird – Ouvir Música

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