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Letra Música Wheels Are Turning – America

Albuquerque will be there in the morning
Purple mountains will rise up from the floor
After that you can just lift up the curtain
And the whole world will be there at your door
Down the road you see the heat waves a waving
All the signs are telling you where to go
And for you, this is a bold invitation
It’s all you need, you don’t need any more

Those wheels are turning once again

Now the sun is rising out of the ocean
Diesel trucks are flying by on the shore
Yes that’s your spirit inside you just waiting
It’s time to move, now that much you must know

Step outside and take a breath of the morning (step outside the door)
And the wind will tell you which way to go
You are the needle on the compass for certain
The missing map has come back to your door

Those wheels are turning once again

Thunder in the canyon waking up the night (waking up the night)
Black crow with an indigo glow on the highway

Albuquerque will be there in the morning
Purple mountains will rise up from the floor
After that you can just lift up that curtain
And the whole world will be there at your door

Those wheels are turning once again

Thunder in the canyon waking up the night (waking up the night)
Black crow with an indigo glow on the highway

Barking in the canyon waking up the night
Black crow with an indigo glow on the highway

Those wheels are turning once again
They’ve always been your truest friendAmerica – Wheels Are Turning – Ouvir Música

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