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Letra Música Iter Impius – Pain of Salvation

[Martius, son of Mars]
[Obitus Diutinus]

[Mr. Money:]
I woke up today
Expecting to find all that I sought
And climb the mountains of the life I bought
Finally I’m at the top of every hierarchy
Unfortunately there is no one left
But me

I woke up today
To a world that’s ground to dust, dirt and stone
I’m the king upon this withering throne
I ruled every forest, every mountain, every sea
Now there’re but ruins left to rule for me
And… you see, it beckons me;
Life turned its back on us
How could you just agree?
…how? I just don’t see…

I woke up today
To a world devoid of forests and trees
Drained of every ocean, every sea
Just like a useless brick upon the shore
The morning after the storm
That swept the bridge away
Relentless tide
No anger
Just this relentless time
That calls us all on

I’m never crossing that line
Leaving this world behind
I will stay on my own
On this bloodstained throne
I rule the ruins and wrecks
And the dust, dirt and stone
I rule rage rod and rattling of bones

I am on my own
I am all alone
Everything is gone
Stuck forever here
Already cold

I’m never crossing that line
Leaving this world behind
I will stay on my own
On this bloodstained throne…

I’m never crossing that line
Leaving this world behind
I will stay on my own
On this bloodstained throne
I rule the ruins and wrecks
And the dirt and the dust and the stone
I’m the ruler of rage rod and rust
And the rattling of bones
Ruler of ruin…Pain of Salvation – Iter Impius – Ouvir Música

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