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Letra Música Wires – The Neighbourhood

We talked about making it
I’m sorry that you never made it
And it pains me just to hear you have to say it
You knew the game and played it, it kills to know that you have been defeated
I see the wires pulling while you’re breathing
You knew you had a reason
It killed you like diseases
I can hear it your voice while your speaking, you can’t be treated
Mr. Know it all had his reign and his fall
At least that is what his brain is telling all
If he said help me kill the president
I’d say he needs medicine
Sick of screaming let us in
The wires got the best of him
All that he invest in goes
straight to hell, straight to hell
Straight to hell, straight to hell

He told me I should take it in
Listen to every word he’s speaking
The wires getting older I can hear the way their creaking
As their holding him
I could see it in his jaw
That all he ever wanted was a job
He tells me to be raw
Admits to me every little flaw
That never let him sit upon the top
Won’t tell me to stop
Thinks that I should be a little cautious
Well, I can tell the wires were pulled

If he said help me kill the president
I’d say he needs medicine
Sick of screaming let us in
The wires got the best of him
All that he invested in goes
straight to hell, straight to hell
Straight to hell, straight to hell

I’m having trouble in believing
And I just started seeing
Light at the beginning of the tunnel but he tells me that I’m dreaming
When he talks I hear his ghosts
Every word they say to me
I just pray the wires aren’t coming

If he said Help me kill the president
I’d say he needs medicine
Sick of screaming let us in
The wires got the best of him
All that he invested in
Go straight to hell, straight to hell
Straight to hell, straight to hell
Straight to hell, straight to hell
Straight to hell, straight to hellThe Neighbourhood – Wires – Ouvir Música

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