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Letra Música The Longest Wave – Red Hot Chili Peppers

Throw me all around
Like a boomerang sky
Whatever you do, don’t tell me why
Poppies grow tall, then say bye bye
The wave is here
A seamless little team and then we tanked
I guess we’re not so sacrosanct
The tip of my tongue, but then we blanked
The wave is here
Waiting on the wind to tell my side

Ready, set, jet, but she never gets far
Listen to your skin from the seat of my car
Two centipedes stuck in one glass jar
The longest wave
Waiting on the wind to tell my side

What you want?
What you need?
Do you love?

Maybe I’m the right one
Maybe I’m the wrong
Just another play, the pirate, and the papillon
Time to call it a day

Maybe you’re my last love
Maybe you’re my first
Just another way to play inside the universe
Now I know why we came

Sterile as the barrel of an old 12 gauge
Under my skin and half my age
Hotter than the wax on a saxifrage
The longest wave
Waiting on the wind to turn my page

Steady your sails for the butterfly flap
Whatever you do, don’t close that gap
I’m dreaming of a woman, but she’s just my nap
Your ship is in
Waiting on the tide so I can swim

What you want?
What you need?
Do you love?

Maybe I’m the right one
Maybe I’m the wrong
Just another play, the pirate, and the papillon
Time to call it a day

Maybe you’re my last love
Maybe you’re my first
Just another way to play inside the universe
Now I know why we came

Now I know why we came
Now I knowRed Hot Chili Peppers – The Longest Wave – Ouvir Música

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