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Letra Música Beggin’ – Måneskin

Put your loving hand out, baby
‘Cause I’m beggin’
I’m beggin’, beggin’ you
So put your loving hand out, baby
I’m beggin’, beggin’ you
So put your loving hand out, darlin’

Riding high when I was king
I played it hard and fast, ‘cause I had everything
I walked away, but you warned me then
But easy come and easy go
And it would end

So, anytime I bleed, you let me go
Yeah, anytime I feed, you get me know
Anytime I seek, you let me know
But I planted that seed, just let me go

I’m on my knees when I’m beggin’
‘Cause I don’t wanna lose you
Hey, yeah, ra-ta-ta-ta

‘Cause I’m beggin’, beggin’ you, ah
Uh, put your loving hand out, baby
I’m beggin’, beggin’ you
And put your loving hand out, darlin’

I need you to understand
Tried so hard to be your man
The kind of man you want in the end
Only then can I begin to live again

An empty shell
I used to be
The shadow of my life was hangin’ over me
A broken man
That I don’t know
Won’t even stand the devil’s dance to win my soul

What we doin’? What we chasin’?
Why the bottom? Why the basement?
Why we got good shit, don’t embrace it?
Why the feel for the need to replace me?

You’re the wrong way track from the good
I want to paint in the picture tellin’ where we could be at
Like a heart in the best way should
You can give it away, you had it
And you took the pay

But I keep walkin’ on, keep openin’ doors
Keep hopin’ for, now the door is yours
Keep also home, ‘cause I don’t wanna live in a broken home
Girl, I’m beggin’

I’m beggin’, beggin’ you
So put your loving hand out, baby
I’m beggin’, beggin’ you
So put your loving hand out, darlin’

I’m fightin’ hard to hold my own
Just can’t make it all alone
I’m holdin’ on, I can’t fall back
I’m just a con ‘bout to fade to black

I’m beggin’, beggin’ you
Put your loving hand out, baby
I’m beggin’, beggin’ you
So put your loving hand out, darlin’

I’m beggin’, beggin’ you
So put your loving hand out, baby
I’m beggin’, beggin’ you
So put your loving hand out, darlin’

I’m beggin’, beggin’ you
So put your loving hand out, baby
I’m beggin’, beggin’ you
So put your loving hand outMåneskin – Beggin’ – Ouvir Música

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