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Letra Música Believer – Imagine Dragons

First things first
I’ma say all the words inside my head
I’m fired up and tired of the way
That things have been, oh-ooh
The way that things have been, oh-ooh
Second things second
Don’t you tell me what you think that I could be
I’m the one at the sail, I’m the master of my sea, oh-ooh
The master of my sea, oh-ooh
I was broken from a young age
Taking my sulking to the masses
Writing my poems for the few
That look at me, took to me, shook to me, feeling me
Singing from heartache from the pain
Taking my message from the veins
Speaking my lesson from the brain
Seeing the beauty through the

You made me a, you made me a believer, believer
You break me down and build me up, believer, believer
Oh, let the bullets fly, oh, let them rain
My life, my love, my drive, they came from
You made me a, you made me a believer, believer

Third things third
Send a prayer to the ones up above
All the hate that you’ve heard
Has turned your spirit to a dove, oh-ooh
Your spirit up above, oh-ooh

I was choking in the crowd
Building my rain up in the cloud
Falling like ashes to the ground
Hoping my feelings, they would drown
But they never did, ever lived, ebbing and flowing
Inhibited, limited
Till it broke open and rained down
And rained down, like

You made me a, you made me a believer, believer
You break me down and build me up, believer, believer
Oh, let the bullets fly, oh, let them rain
My life, my love, my drive, they came from
You made me a, you made me a believer, believer

Last things last
By the grace of the fire and the flames
You’re the face of the future
The blood in my veins, oh-ooh
The blood in my veins, oh-ooh
But they never did, ever lived, ebbing and flowing
Inhibited, limited
Till it broke open and rained down
And rained down, like

You made me a, you made me a believer, believer
You break me down and build me up, believer, believer
Oh, let the bullets fly, oh, let them rain
My life, my love, my drive, they came from
You made me a, you made me a believer, believerImagine Dragons – Believer – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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