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Letra Música Confessions – Usher

Do you love me?
Say you’ll never leave me
No matter what?
Well, I have a confession
Everything that I’ve been doing is all bad
I got a chick on the side with a crib and a ride
I’ve been telling you so many lies
Ain’t none good, it’s all bad
And I just wanna confess it’s been going on so long
Girl, I’ve been doing you so wrong
And I want you to know that

Everything that I’ve been doing is all bad
I got a chick on the side with a crib and a ride
I’ve been telling you so many lies
Ain’t none good, it’s all bad
And I just wanna confess it’s been going on so long
Girl, I’ve been doing you so wrong
And I want you to know that

Every time I was in L.A., I was with my ex-girlfriend
Every time you called, I told you: Baby, I’m working
No, I was out doing my dirt
Oh, wasn’t thinking bout you getting hurt
I was hand-in-hand in the Beverly Center
Like, man, not giving a damn who sees me so gone, so wrong
Acting like I didn’t have you sitting at home
Thinking about me, being the good girl that you are
I bet you probably believe you got a good man
A man that never would do the things I’m about to tell you I’ve done
Brace yourself, it ain’t good
But it would be even worse if you heard this from somebody else

Everything that I’ve been doing is all bad
I got a chick on the side with a crib and a ride
I’ve been telling you so many lies
Ain’t none good, it’s all bad
And I just wanna confess it’s been going on so long
Girl, I’ve been doing you so wrong
And I want you to know that

Everything that I’ve been doing is all bad
I got a chick on the side with a crib and a ride
I’ve been telling you so many lies
Ain’t none good, it’s all bad
And I just wanna confess it’s been going on so long
Girl, I’ve been doing you so wrong
And I want you to know that

If I could turn back the hands of time
And start all over, I would
Instead of everything being all bad
Baby, everything will be all good
I don’t wanna lose you
But I know what I’m telling you ain’t gon’ make you wanna stay
You probably just wanna run away
I’m mad enough to punch me in my face
I’ve been living like an idiot and I deserve every bit of it, I know
Today is the day that I end all the lying and the playing and the bullshit
Girl, I’m sorry, baby, I’m sorry
But I can no longer walk around with this stress on my chest, I confess

Everything that I’ve been doing is all bad
I got a chick on the side with a crib and a ride
I’ve been telling you so many lies
Ain’t none good, it’s all bad
And I just wanna confess it’s been going on so long
Girl, I’ve been doing you so wrong
And I want you to know that

Everything that I’ve been doing is all bad
I got a chick on the side with a crib and a ride
I’ve been telling you so many lies
Ain’t none good, it’s all bad
And I just wanna confess it’s been going on so long
Girl, I’ve been doing you so wrong
And I want you to know that

Stevie, break it down
Oh, oh, yeah, baby
Oh, baby
Don’t leave me, baby

Everything that I

Everything that I’ve been doing is all bad
I got a chick on the side with a crib and a ride
I’ve been telling you so many lies
Ain’t none good, it’s all bad
And I just wanna confess it’s been going on so long
Girl, I’ve been doing you so wrong
And I want you to know that

Everything that I’ve been doing is all bad
I got a chick on the side with a crib and a ride
I’ve been telling you so many lies
Ain’t none good, it’s all badUsher – Confessions – Ouvir Música

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