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Letra Música Like I Want You – GIVĒON

Sometimes I wish you knew
But I disguise the truth
I say I’m happy but I’m still stuck on us
Does your mind play this game too?
Think ‘bout me and you
I guess I’ll just pretend
Until it all makes sense
Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm

See you face to face
I’m thinking ‘bout the days we used to be
But I can’t make a scene
But I can’t make a scene

See you face to face
I’m thinking ‘bout the days we used to be
But I can’t make a scene
But I can’t make it seem

Like I want you, you, oh, oh
Even if it’s true, oh
Oh oh, oh
Even if it’s true

I guess it’s overdue
Tell me your point of view
Tell me am I to blame?
You’re so good with change, hmm, hmm, hmm

A table set for two
You got me waitin’ but you ain’t comin’ through
Try to stay patient but gotta face the truth, hmm, hmm, hmm
Oh woah, woah

See you face to face (see you face to face)
I’m thinking ‘bout the days we used to be (I’m thinking ‘bout the days)
But I can’t make a scene (no I can’t make a scene)
But I can’t make a scene (no, no, no, no, oh)

See you face to face (see you face)
I’m thinking ‘bout the days we used to be (oh, oh)
But I can’t make a scene (no, no-no, no, no)
But I can’t make it seem

Like I want you, you, oh, oh
Even if it’s true, oh (even if it’s true)
Oh, oh, oh, oh, babe
Even if it’s true

There’s no reason to believe I’ll save us now
But if you really love me say it now
Why is it so hard to figure out?
I need you every day, believe me when I say it

Like I want you, you, oh, oh
Even if it’s true, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Even if it’s trueGIVĒON – Like I Want You – Ouvir Música

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