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Letra Música Ghost in the Machine (feat. Phoebe Bridgers) – SZA

Everything disgusting, conversation is so boring
Heard about what?
I hate her, I don’t agree, I did it first
I give a fuck
I just wanna fuck, eat, sleep, love happy
Can you make me happy? Can you keep me happy?
Can you distract me from all the disaster?
Can you touch on me and not call me after?
Can you hate on me and mask it with laughter?
Can you lead me to the ark? What’s the password?

I need humanity
Y’all lack humanity, drowning in vanity
Craving humanity
Y’all lack humanity, I need humanity
I need

Everybody wanna be beautiful, scared of the unusual
Scared of giving mutual respect, all that you hate
You reflect all that godlike, you forget how to love somebody
I hate everybody, I hate everyone

Let’s talk about AI, robot got more heart than I
Robot got future, I don’t
Robot get sleep, but I don’t power down
I’m wide open, I’m awake, I’m on autopilot
I’m out of my mind and I’m wide open

Can you distract me from all the disaster?
Can you touch on me and not call me after?
Can you hate on me and mask it with laughter?
Can you lead me to the ark? What’s the password?

I need humanity
Y’all lack humanity, drowning in vanity
Craving humanity
Y’all lack humanity, I need humanity
I need

You said all of my friends are on my payroll
You’re not wrong, you’re an asshole
Screaming at you in the Ludlow
I was yours for free

I don’t get existential
I just think about myself and look where that got me
Standing on my own in an airport bar or hotel lobby
Waiting to feel clean
That’s so fucking boring

Can you distract me from all the disaster?
Can you touch on me and not call me after?
Can you hate on me and mask it with laughter?
Can you lead me to the ark? What’s the password?

I need humanity
Y’all lack humanity, drowning in vanity
Craving humanity
Y’all lack humanity, I need humanity
I need

(Those who have forsaken their humanity)
(They like to patch their life with morality)
(I think I might be tryna patch my life with morality)
(I’m curious, I’m curious)SZA – Ghost in the Machine (feat. Phoebe Bridgers) – Ouvir Música

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