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Letra Música It Girl – Jason Derulo

Oh, yeah
Oh, yeah
I’ve been looking under rocks and breaking locks
Just tryna find ya
I’ve been like a maniac, insomniac
Five steps behind ya

Tell them other girls they can hit the exit, check, please
‘Cause I finally found the girl of my dreams
Much more than a Grammy Award
That’s how much you mean to me

You can be my it girl
Baby, you the shit, girl, loving you could be a crime
Crazy how we fit, girl
This is it, girl, give me 25 to life

I just wanna rock all night long
And put you in the middle of my spotlight
You could be my it girl
You’re my biggest hit, girl, let me play it loud
Let me play it loud like

Oh, oh, oh
Let me play it loud, let me play it loud like
Oh, oh, oh
Let me play it loud

You can’t help but turn them heads, knocking ‘em dead
Dropping like flies around you
If I get your body close, not letting go
Hoping you’re about to

Tell them other guys they can lose your number, you’re done
They don’t get another shot ‘cause you’re love drunk
Like a TV show playing reruns
Every chance I get, I’ma turn you on

You can be my it girl
Baby, you the shit, girl, loving you could be a crime
Crazy how we fit, girl
This is it, girl, give me 25 to life (hey)

I just wanna rock all night long
And put you in the middle of my spotlight (hey, yeah)
You could be my it girl
You’re my biggest hit, girl, let me play it loud (hey)
Let me play it loud like (yeah)

Oh, oh, oh (oh, yeah)
Let me play it loud, let me play it loud like
Oh, oh, oh
Let me play it loud

Can’t seem to stop you from running, running
Through my, through my mind, mind
Just keep it coming, coming
‘Til I make you mine, mine

You’ve got that something, something
I wanna be with, girl
You’re my greatest hit, girl
Just say this is it, girl

Hey, baby
Don’t you know you’re my it girl?

You can be my it girl
Baby, you the shit, girl, loving you could be a crime
Crazy how we fit, girl
This is it, girl, give me 25 to life

I just wanna rock all night long
And put you in the middle of my spotlight (oh, yeah)
You could be my it girl
You’re my biggest hit, girl, let me play it loud
Let me play it loud like (I’ma play it loud like)

Oh, oh, oh
Let me play it loud, let me play it loud like (baby, let me play it loud like, yeah)
Oh, oh, oh
Let me play it loud, let me hear you sing like
Oh, oh, oh
Everybody in the crowd, let me hear you singing like
Oh, oh, oh

This is it, girlJason Derulo – It Girl – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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