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Letra Música Another Heartbreak – GIVĒON

Tears don’t fall when you’re right here
Perfect for me, that’s my fear (fear)
Nothing’s wrong and that makes me nervous (make me nervous)
I just wanna know I’m worth it
‘Cause every time I’m in love, end up with
Nothin’, nothin’ but
These songs
Maybe I’m just overthinkin’
You’re the one for me

‘Cause I can’t take another heartbreak, no (no)
Not sayin’ that we’ll fail, girl, I just know that I’m scared (I’m scared, I’m scared)
Baby, no, I can’t take another heartbrеak (no)
Not sayin’ we’ll fail but I’m still scared
It all could end, all again
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-ho, oh-oh, oh
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-ho, oh-oh, oh, yеah

I’m sure you’re for me, girl, I know it
Right from the start you showed me
But my heart can’t take another blow
And that’s just why I’m scared to let you close

‘Cause every time I’m in love, end up with
Nothin’, nothin’ but
These songs
Maybe I’m just overthinkin’
You’re the one for me

‘Cause I can’t take another heartbreak, no (no)
Not sayin’ that we’ll fail, girl, I just know that I’m scared (I’m scared, I’m scared)
Baby, no, I can’t take another heartbreak (no)
Not sayin’ we’ll fail but I’m still scared
It all could end, all again

No, I cannot make this mistake
No one can take your place
I’m a fool to push you away, of course
You’re just perfect in every way
I’m nervous, it’s just a fact
And my heart can’t take a heartbreak, no more (no more)

‘Cause I can’t take another heartbreak, no (no)
Not sayin’ that we’ll fail, girl, I just know that I’m scared (I’m scared, I’m scared)
Baby, no, I can’t take another heartbreak (heartbreak)
Not sayin’ we’ll fail but I’m still scared
It all could end, all again
(Ooh, ooh, ooh

Can’t take another
Give or takeGIVĒON – Another Heartbreak – Ouvir Música

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