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Letra Música Cater 2 U – Destiny’s Child

Oh, oh
Baby, I see you working hard
I wanna let you know I’m proud
Let you know that I admire what you do
Don’t know if I need to reassure you
My life would be purposeless without you (yeah)

If I want it (have it)
When I ask you (you provide it)
You inspire me to be better
You challenge me for the better
Baby, sit back and let me pour out my love letter

Let me help you take off your shoes
Untie your shoe strings, take off your cuff links
What you wanna eat, boo? (Yeah)
Let me feed you
Let me run your bathwater
Whatever your desire, I’ll supply ya

Sing you a song, turn the game on
I’ll brush your hair, help you put your durag on
Want a foot-rub? (Yeah, yeah)
You want a manicure?
Baby, I’m yours, I wanna cater to you, boy

Let me cater to you
‘Cause, baby, this is your day
Do anything for my man
Baby, you blow me away

I got your slippers, your dinner
Your dessert and so much more
Anything you want, just let me cater to you

Inspire me from the heart
Can’t nothing tear us apart
You’re all I want in a man
I put my life in your hands

I got your slippers, your dinner
Your dessert and so much more
Anything you want, I wanna cater to you

Baby, I’m happy you’re home
Let me hold you in my arms
I just wanna take the stress away from you
Making sure that I’m doing my part (oh)
Boy, is there something you need me to do? (Oh)

If you want it (have it)
Say the word (and I’ll try it)
I know whatever I’m not fulfilling
Another woman is willing
I’m gonna fulfill your mind, body and spirit

I promise ya (promise ya)
I’ll keep myself up (up)
Remain the same chick (yeah)
You fell in love with (yeah)

I’ll keep it tight
I’ll keep my figure right
I’ll keep my hair fixed
Keep rocking the hottest outfits

When you come home late, tap me on my shoulder, I’ll roll over
Baby, I heard you
I’m here to serve you (and I’m loving it)
If it’s love you need, to give it is my joy
All I wanna do is cater to you, boy

Let me cater to you
‘Cause, baby, this is your day
Do anything for my man
Baby, you blow me away

I got your slippers, your dinner
Your dessert and so much more
Anything you want, just let me cater to you

Inspire me from the heart
Can’t nothing tear us apart
You’re all I want in a man
I put my life in your hands

I got your slippers, your dinner
Your dessert and so much more
Anything you want, I wanna cater to you

I wanna give you my breath, my strength, my will to you (yeah, yeah)
That’s the least I can do (yeah, yeah)
Let me cater to you
Through the good, the bad (the bad)
The ups and the downs (ups and downs)
I’ll still be here for you
Let me cater to you

‘Cause you’re beautiful (you’re beautiful)
I love the way you are (you are)
Fulfill your every desire
Your wish is my command (your wish, command)
I wanna cater to my man

Your heart (your heart)
So pure, your love shines through (shines through)
The darkness, we’ll get through
(So much) so much of me is you (is you)
I wanna cater to my man

Let me cater to you
‘Cause, baby, this is your day
Anything for you, man
Baby, you blow me away

I got your slippers, your dinner
Your dessert and so much more (I just wanna serve you, baby)
Anything you want, just let me cater to you (anything you ever want, ever need, yeah)

Inspire me from the heart
Can’t nothing tear us apart (I don’t care what my mama say, daddy say, no)
You’re all I want in a man
I put my life in your hands

I got your slippers, your dinner (oh)
Your dessert and so much more
Anything you want, I wanna cater to youDestiny’s Child – Cater 2 U – Ouvir Música

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