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Letra Música Don’t – Bryson Tiller

Don’t, don’t play with her, don’t be dishonest
Still not understandin’ this logic
I’m back and I’m better
I want you bad as ever
Don’t let me just let up
I wanna give you better
Baby, it’s whatever
Somebody gotta step up
Girl, I’m that somebody, so I’m next up
Be damned if I let him catch up
It’s easy to see that you’re fed up
I am on a whole ‘nother level
Girl, he only fucked you over ‘cause you let him
Fuck him, girl, I guess he didn’t know any better
Girl, that man didn’t show any effort
Do all I can just to show you you’re special
Certain, it’s your love that holds me together
Lately you say he been killin’ the vibe
Gotta be sick of this guy
Pull up, skurt, get in the ride
Left hand is steerin’, the other is grippin’ your thigh
Light up a spliff and get high
Shawty, you deserve what you’ve been missin’
Lookin’ at you I’m thinkin’ he must be trippin’
Play this song for him, tell him: Just listen

(Play this song for him)

Girl, you said he keeps on playin’ games
And his lovin’ ain’t the same
I don’t know what to say, but
What a shame
If you were mine, you would not get the same
If you were mine, you would top everything
Suicide in the drop, switchin’ lanes
And that thing so fire, baby, no propane
Got good pussy, girl, can I be frank?
To keep it one-hundred, girl, I ain’t no saint
But he the only reason that I’m feelin’ this way
Givin’ you the world, baby, when you get space
Pen game get me laid, baby, that’s penetrate, oh, baby

(Play this song for him)

H-Town got a nigga so throwed
Pour up, we can party some more
Yeah, got this drink in my cup
Got a young nigga feelin’ so throwed
Spit fire in a world so cold
Young money got a nigga feelin’ old
Spit fire in a world so cold
H-Town got me feelin’ so throwed
H-Town got me feelin’ so throwed
Ride paint and we sip ‘till we fold
H-Town got me feelin’ so throwed
Spit fire in a world so cold
H-Town got a nigga so throwed

(Play this song for)
Don’tBryson Tiller – Don’t – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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