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Letra Música Chunky – Bruno Mars

She got to shake her little something
(Shake her little something)
Throwing that thing from left, right, side to side
She got to have her own money
(She got her own money)
Shout out to the girls that pay they rent on time
If you ain’t here to party take your ass back home
If you getting naughty, baby here’s my phone
Slide with your boy to the bar
Slide with your boy to the car
I’ve been searching everywhere and now here you are

Looking for them girls with the big old hoops
That drop them down in Daisy dukes
(I wanna get down)
Yeah them the ones I’m trying to recruit
I’m looking at you
Yeah, you baby

Now let me hear you say you ready (I’m ready)
Girl, you better have you hair, weave strapped on tight
Girl once we get going, we rolling,we’ll cha-cha till the morning
So just say alright (alright)

If you ain’t here to party take your ass back home
If you getting naughty, baby here’s my phone
Slide with your boy to the bar
Slide with your boy to the car
I’ve been searching everywhere and now here you are

Looking for them girls with the big old hoops
That drop them down in Daisy dukes
(I wanna get down)
Yeah them the ones I’m trying to recruit
I’m looking at you
Yeah, you baby

You got what I want (I got what you want)
Girl, you got what I need (I got what you need)
Squeeze all of that into my coop
Girl, I choose you

Looking for them girls with the big old hoops
That drop them down in Daisy dukes
(I wanna get down)
Yeah them the ones I’m trying to recruit
I’m looking at you

(Yeah, you baby)Bruno Mars – Chunky – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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