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Letra Música Wild Things – Alessia Cara

Find table spaces
To say your social graces
Bow your head, they’re pious here
But you and I, we’re pioneers
We make our own rules
Our own room, no bias here
Let ‘em sell what they are sellin’
There are no buyers here
So gather all the rebels now
We’ll rebel rouse and sing aloud
We don’t care what they say no way, no way
And we will leave the empty chairs
To those who say we can’t sit there
We’re fine all by ourselves

So aye (aye), we brought our drum and this is how we dance
No mistakin’, we make our breaks, if you don’t like our 808s
Then leave us alone, ‘cause we don’t need your policies
We have no apologies for being

Find me where the wild things are
Oh my, we’ll be alright
Don’t mind us
Find me where the wild things are
Oh my, we’ll be just fine
Don’t mind us, yeah
Find me where the wild things are

I lose my balance on these eggshells
You tell me to tread, I’d rather be a wild one instead
Don’t wanna hang around the in crowd
The cool kids aren’t cool to me
They’re not cooler than we are

So aye (aye), we brought our drum and this is how we dance
No mistakin’, we make our breaks, if you don’t like our 808s
Then leave us alone, cause we don’t need your policies
We have no apologies for being

Find me where the wild things are
Oh my, we’ll be alright
Don’t mind us, yeah
Find me where the wild things are
Oh my, we’ll be just fine
Aye-aye-aye don’t mind us

We will carve our place into time and space
We will find our way, or we’ll make a way (say: Hey, hey, hey)
Find you’re great, don’t you hide your face
And let it shine, shine, shine, shine, shine, shine

So aye (aye), we brought our drum and this is how we dance
No mistakin’, we make our breaks, if you don’t like our 808s
Then leave us alone, cause we don’t need your policies
We have no apologies for being

Find me where the wild things are
Oh my, we’ll be alright
Don’t mind us, yeah
Find me where the wild things are
Oh my, we’ll be just fine
Don’t mind us, yeah
Find me where the wild things areAlessia Cara – Wild Things – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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