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Letra Música Growing Pains – Alessia Cara

You’re on your own, kid
You are
Make my way through the motions, I try to ignore it
But home’s looking farther the closer I get
Don’t know why I can’t see the end
Is it over yet?
A short leash and a short fuse don’t match
They tell me it ain’t that bad, now, don’t you overreact
So I just hold my breath
Don’t know why I can’t see the sun when young should be fun (fun)

And I guess the bad can get better
Gotta be wrong before it’s right
Every happy phrase engraved in my mind
And I’ve always been a go-getter
There’s truth in every word I write
But still, the growing pains, growing pains
They’re keeping me up at night

And I can’t hide
‘Cause growing pains are keeping me up at night
And I can’t hide
‘Cause growing pains are keeping me up at night

Try to mend what’s left of my content incomprehension
As I take on the stress of the mess that I’ve made
Don’t know if I even care for grown if it’s just alone, yeah

And I guess the bad can get better
Gotta be wrong before it’s right
Every happy phrase engraved in my mind
I’ve always been a go-getter
There’s truth in every word I write
But still, the growing pains, growing pains
They’re keeping me up at night

And I can’t hide
‘Cause growing pains are keeping me up at night
And I can’t hide
‘Cause growing pains are keeping me up at night

Starting to look like Ms. Know-It-All can’t take her own advice
Can’t find pieces of my peace of mind
I cry more than I want to admit
But I can’t lie to myself, to anyone
‘Cause phoning it in isn’t any fun
Can’t run back to my youth the way I want to
The days my brother was quicker to fool
AM radio, not much to do
Used monsters as an excuse to lie awake
Now the monsters are the ones that I have to face
No band-aids for the growing pains
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
No, no, no band-aids for the growing painsAlessia Cara – Growing Pains – Ouvir Música

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