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Letra Música Turn Up The Radio – Ok Go

Turn up the radio
And turn off the lights
I want it loud as hell
I want the walls to melt
‘Cause I’ve got to lose myself tonight
Yeah, I’ve got to let all go tonight
So turn off the lights
Cause now the world’s turned down, and stop
Fadin’ all the bytes and the maybes and the mights
And I should’ve known the hammer’d drop
‘Cause something must be wrong if everything is right

And nothing’s gonna stop us now
Yeah, nothing’s gonna stop us now

So turn up the radio
And turn off the lights
I want it loud as hell
I want the walls to melt
‘Cause I got to lose myself tonight
Yeah, I got to let it all go tonight
So turn up the radio
And turn off the lights

You know it’s always just inches shy
But everything is just right
Everything is blue sky
But how huge that divide
And the hungrier the ghost
The more it opens wide

And nothing’s gonna stop us now
Yeah, nothing’s gonna stop us now

So turn up the radio
And turn off the lights
I want it loud as hell
I want the walls to melt
‘Cause I got to lose myself tonight
Yeah, I got to let it all go tonight
So turn up the radio
And turn off the lights

So just tell me what’s going on
So just tell me what’s going on
Going on, going on

So turn up the radio
And turn off the lights
I want it loud as hell
I want the walls to melt
‘Cause I got to lose myself tonight
Yeah, I’ve got to let it all go tonight
Yeah, I’ve got to lose myself tonight
Yeah, I’ve got to lose myself tonight
So turn off the lights
‘Cause I’ve got to let it all go tonight
Yeah, I’ve got to lose myself tonight
So turn off the lightsOk Go – Turn Up The Radio – Ouvir Música

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