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Letra Música Life – Fastball

Well I wanna be a better man
But I got a short attention span
Have a good time while you can
Before your time is through
Cause life is unrehearsable
And the past is irreversable
Let me ride in your convertable
Cause I’m love with you
You know that life,
It’s a merry-go-round
It’s a ride
It speeds up, it slows down
And it’s free
But you only get to ride it once

Working for the corporation
And so is my imagination
Money is the sole salvation
It’s monkey see, monkey do
I just want to stay up to see a while
I just wanna see my baby smile
In the end it’s all worthwhile
When I come home to you

You know that life,
It’s a merry-go-round
It’s a ride
It speeds up, it slows down
And it’s free
But you only get to ride it once

They want to see who’s got the biggest gun
(They want to do it again)
All these cowboys want to have their fun
(They want to do it again)
They want to do it again

Well we think that we’re so clever
Flying without feathers
But we still can’t control the weather
Better send in the marines
And it gets a little harder everyday
But we just pretend that it’ll go away
Someday when we’re old and gray
And living in a submarine

You know that life,
It’s a merry-go-round
It’s a ride
It speeds up, it slows down
And it’s free
But you only get to ride it once

Well I wanna be a better man
But I got a short attention span
Have a good time while you can
Before your time is throughFastball – Life – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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